As a restaurateur, baker or food provider, you always want to offer your customers the best service. It is playing an increasingly important role to also cater to special diets such as vegan and vegetarian. More and more people are consciously choosing a plant-based diet - be it for ethical, health or ecological reasons.
To appeal to this target group and show that you are responding to their needs, clear labeling of vegan and vegetarian dishes or products is essential. This is where our symbols come into play, which allow you to recognize at a glance which options are suitable for vegans and vegetarians.

Advantages of symbols for vegan and vegetarian
The use of uniform, easily understandable symbols for vegan and vegetarian offerings brings a number of advantages:

  • Clarity and transparency: Your guests and customers immediately see which dishes or products match their dietary preferences. This creates trust and satisfaction. Time savings: Instead of having to study each dish or product in detail, vegans and vegetarians can see at a glance what is suitable for them. This saves time and makes selection easier.
  • Avoiding misunderstandings: By clearly labeling with symbols, you avoid misunderstandings or uncertainties among your customers. It is clearly visible what is vegan or vegetarian.
  • Addressing a growing target group: More and more people value a plant-based diet. By using symbols, you signal to this target group that you are responding to their wishes and have attractive offers for them.
  • Easy integration thanks to foodsymbols
    To benefit from these advantages, you do not necessarily have to use the official V-Label. With the special font from foodsymbols, you can easily create your own vegan and vegetarian labels and integrate them into your menus, product descriptions or labels.

Show with foodsymbols that you take the needs of vegans and vegetarians seriously and offer them a wide selection. Your customers will thank you for it and gladly come back. Make the use of symbols for vegan and vegetarian a fixed component of your offer - it pays off for all involved!