We finally made it. A lot of planning work has gone into it and many new symbols had to be drawn. Our new website, which has been online since the beginning of July, now contains even more information, is available in even more languages and it is even easier to download the symbols in various formats.

Nutrition is becoming increasingly important and the handling of food has changed significantly in recent years. Certain ingredients must be avoided by many people, as allergies and intolerances occur here or special diets are present. Good labeling provides information and supports you in your healthy diet. No matter whether you want or have to do without lactose, animal products in general, nuts or other foods: Without the right labeling, the selection of food is difficult.

Our philosophy is therefore very simple, because a symbol says more than 1,000 words. That's why our symbols are uniform, immediately understandable and not limited in meaning to just one country or region. We have put a lot of time and all our creativity into the symbols that you can download for free on our website.


International education for allergy sufferers

Often, allergy sufferers do not know which foods can land on the plate without hesitation. Many products are then completely omitted out of fear or due to insufficient labeling. But this does not have to be the case if an easily understandable symbolism is used on loose goods or as additional labeling on packaged foods. This is exactly why we at foodsymbols rely on uniform symbols that are easily understandable everywhere. Children, seniors or people with disabilities in particular benefit from this.

What is new now is the international design. Because the descriptions of the symbols are available in German as well as in English, Spanish, Turkish, Russian and in many other languages. After downloading, all symbols can be further processed and printed as desired.